Friday, February 27, 2009

(this picture is suppose to be animated and has nothing to do with my blog)
I really scare myself sometimes. I keep forgetting the most important things and remembering the less. (ex:I forgot that i was in high school, I forgot who my parents were, and what day of the week it was) I don't know, i am getting a little freaked out. But today i had an interesting day, Ted came over and fix my computer and put it to be wireless in like 2 minutes, no joke. :)
Photography has been coming back from the long break i took from it. I am addiccttedddd to naturrrrree. ♥
Well i don't have much to say today, but i feel enthusiastic and inspired.
but i miss my parents being together. :(

Thursday, February 26, 2009

the REAL change

Since i was younger and til present, i have always said the words, "I want a change." Whether it would be near the beginning of new years, or for the fact that i was bored and i wanted that thrill. I have always wished and hoped for that "change". After all the wishing and hoping, change finally smacked me straight in the face where i was on the ground and i was trying to get back up on my feet.
You see, when someone says they want "change" you can't just get change because you want to, or you just think that you want something new. You really gotta need it, it might take a lost love, a trip to rock bottom, a broken heart, or a lesson that came with cosequences. I wanted it so much, but i didn't want all of it to just happen all at the same time. No one will understand "change" till you are the one that gets smacked in the face and realize of what you need to change in your life. Change is when you finally realize that you must earn the love and respect of others, you'll never expect the impossible, and you won't be disappointed. Its that real change in life when you finally grow up, not in age, but in heart. its that change when we begin to build of our strength from the pain we brought upon ourselves and find out the honestly and joy that we all really need in our purpose in life. And what we believe we can become. Quotes from the wise say to change you must be bold and it takes a real push of determination to become bold. You must also allow your lifestyle to build a platform and be willing to personally stretch yourself. Change really is something you have to reach out to that moment when we are content with whatever life takes us, wherever it flows. It is that change when we truly open our eyes to see what we need to do to become the better of ourselves.

Monday, February 23, 2009

Today, I was talking to my friend that told me that i could tell anything thing to them. and I came to realize that as soon as they said that, my mind hit way back to the past where all the problems and hardships i went through. Then i realized it, You can never run away from something, because you will always some how deal with it in the future. And you just have to face your own personal conflict into consideration.

I am sorry if i did a bad job. I just started today. :)