Wednesday, March 31, 2010

I want you to understand that a person's decision is based on reason.
Truly, i can't help you, but only encourage you with words of wisdom.
You can only heal when you realize that your confident on your own.
It doesn't mean to bottle it up, hide it away, or think that you'll always be Alone.
Darling, you are only so young, and it's so bittersweet;
One love lost, is one love gained,
It's a learning process, it's okay to feel shamed,
But you'll feel 10 times worse than it could be,
Sweetie, just remember that's not the way love should be.

"How do you know who are you? Can you know who you are?"

How do you know who you are? Can you know who you are? How would you know who you are?
Ask these questions to yourself. Sure, you know what you are capable of, and who you CAN be, but in reality how do you really know? In life, everyone has there own decisions, there own opinions, with their own aberrations. You can say you are a large indefinite amount of characteristics; stating your flaws or qualities. No one knows the truth because our personalities are so abundant that it's too difficult to classify. People sometimes perceive themselves based on other people's judgments. There is no true answer of knowing who you really are.
You don't need to know who you are, it's who you want to become, people change, and sometimes they will never know.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010


I'm in Geometry at the moment, i just finished taking a test, and there's only 19 more minutes till school is over. It's a year since my dad passed away. It's so bittersweet.
bitter- because my dad is gone.
sweet- because of how much I've made it through this year, and how i've learned.
I have matured a lot as well. It's not the experience, it's how i handled the situation. it's sad though, how time flies, and you only have so much time to live before you die. And all those moments you wasted, when you could have done something productive. I say this, but quite honestly, I do absolutely nothing about it...Well i'm being spontaneous to see how much more different my life, and feelings are turning out. i don't know, life is so confusing, and my feelings mixed makes it more confusing for me. I'm trying to take it day by day. I'll be fine no matter what, i have my father watching over me.
Today i am going to visit my dad. It's raining, and how ironic, it was pouring at my father's funeral/viewing. I guess it's really true when they say,"when it rains, it pours."

R.I.P Daddy. <3/11/093

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

my last words.

I put you up on the highest pedestal, like you were my trophy. I was your puzzle piece that couldn't exactly fit into your picture. And you know what, I am okay. I love you, okay cool, i'll get over it. Your a handsome, funny, charming, sweet person, but your not for me. I don't date people that have to live up to your expectations, your too much of an over achiever for me. I felt so pathetic when you left, i scouted to get a glimpse of you, and when i did i couldn't stop staring, and you gave me an awkward smile. These are my final words to you as an insecure, child, who is in love with you. You were so good to me, i have no clue what happened, maybe soccer, or you got bored of me, it's whatever. But i can't get those back, because you weren't mine in the first place. It seems like the only way i can get over you, is to be upset with you. There is no other way, everything i see reminds me of you, and it kills me a little inside, to be completely blunt with you.

So now i will throw these feelings in the trash, because you aren't my infirmity and more.
Your just my friend.