Tuesday, March 16, 2010


I'm in Geometry at the moment, i just finished taking a test, and there's only 19 more minutes till school is over. It's a year since my dad passed away. It's so bittersweet.
bitter- because my dad is gone.
sweet- because of how much I've made it through this year, and how i've learned.
I have matured a lot as well. It's not the experience, it's how i handled the situation. it's sad though, how time flies, and you only have so much time to live before you die. And all those moments you wasted, when you could have done something productive. I say this, but quite honestly, I do absolutely nothing about it...Well i'm being spontaneous to see how much more different my life, and feelings are turning out. i don't know, life is so confusing, and my feelings mixed makes it more confusing for me. I'm trying to take it day by day. I'll be fine no matter what, i have my father watching over me.
Today i am going to visit my dad. It's raining, and how ironic, it was pouring at my father's funeral/viewing. I guess it's really true when they say,"when it rains, it pours."

R.I.P Daddy. <3/11/093

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