Thursday, May 28, 2009


What cherish bliss one can be, then again to the point where you will never know if you will ever be the same. One day you can be happy and another day going deeper and deeper into the hole of insanity. You can't waste your life on dreading, KEEP moving, and just keep moving forward. Things are moving too fast, for ones' being to be a one state of mind.

Hmm, I think it's quite funny you know?
with the none sense of people telling me that "they hate life, it sucks, they could drink themselves till they are sober && etc." really? you really want to say that? when someone will ask that question simply ask "why?" And watch how there face can see as through, you can see there mind, there mind of immaturity, and centering of attention. I used to be like that, but i've moved on, i have better things to do than to just soak up the attention and judgment of others, I am better than that. It's great to be the entertainer, but not great to have the entertain of being the attention of nothing.

Really, this blog has no subject, there is meaning but it is mixed around, now tell me. Do you understand me? or am i really going insane ?