Wednesday, August 12, 2009


Love is beautiful, People are Beautiful, Life is Beautiful.

Lately, after my Father's death I've been really gloomy, and even though it's been months since he died, it still hurts. Recently a friend told me, "Appreciant what you have, you are Lucky." And you know what? I am, i really am. Everyone is so shallow, and selfish for the things that they don't have, and they whine about not having what they want, but really We all should be happy for what we have. Before we know it, things we do that are going to go away and we could never just live life like everyone expects us to do. LIFE IS BEAUTIFUL, we should study that phrase for a moment and really think about it, because really, it is. No matter what obsticles we go through it is our choice whether or not we make a good desicion and our outcome will become from what we decide. We shouldn't blame life for that, we did what we wanted to do. If we all didn't experience the things that occurred to us, we wouldn't be in the situation and experience we are now.