Wednesday, March 31, 2010

"How do you know who are you? Can you know who you are?"

How do you know who you are? Can you know who you are? How would you know who you are?
Ask these questions to yourself. Sure, you know what you are capable of, and who you CAN be, but in reality how do you really know? In life, everyone has there own decisions, there own opinions, with their own aberrations. You can say you are a large indefinite amount of characteristics; stating your flaws or qualities. No one knows the truth because our personalities are so abundant that it's too difficult to classify. People sometimes perceive themselves based on other people's judgments. There is no true answer of knowing who you really are.
You don't need to know who you are, it's who you want to become, people change, and sometimes they will never know.

1 comment:

  1. I believe that everyone is 'defined'. Defined in such a way that not one person can sum up to another. Being this defined human, you can pick up slowly, but abundantly on who you will eventually become. Normaliy, people are too stuborn or even manipulated with change they lose who they were defined to be. Like-whys they become a defintion of a different quota. As in, instead of wrting their own orginal, they're caught up in a uproar, trying to sell someone else's orginiality.
    In the end, I believe, that it is better to know both. Having the knowledge of the present 'you', and the future 'you' can help you boast the morale the effectiveness of a better future.

    But I could write about this for ages, because there are just to many view points.

    Other than that, good controversial statement. Makes the person think.
